Programming Question Find Number in Continuous

Consecutive sequenced numbers in a string

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    Given a string that contains only numeric digits, we need to check whether that strings contains numbers in consecutive sequential manner in increasing order.

    Note: Negative numbers are not considered part of this problem. So we consider that input only contains positive integer.


                Input :            str = "1234"            Output :            Yes           1            Explanation :                        There are 1, 2, 3, 4 which are  consecutive and in increasing order. And the starting number is 1            Input :            str = "91012"            Output :            No            Explanation :            There are no such sequence in the string.            Input :            str = "99100"            Output :            Yes           99            Explanation :            The consecutive sequential  numbers are 99, 100            Input :            str = "010203"            Output :            NO            Explanation :            Although at first glance there seems to be 01, 02, 03. But those wouldn't be  considered a number. 01 is not 1  it's 0, 1          

    Approach: An easily implementable and useful approach is to start taking one character at first (assuming that our string start with 1 digit number) and then form a new string by concatenating the next number until the length of new string is equal to original string.

    Perhaps an example may clarify :

    Lets take string "99100"



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    int isConsecutive(string str)


    int start;

    int length = str.size();

    for ( int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) {

    string new_str = str.substr(0, i + 1);

    int num = atoi (new_str.c_str());

    start = num;

    while (new_str.size() < length) {


    new_str = new_str + to_string(num);


    if (new_str == str)

    return start;


    return -1;


    int main()


    string str = "99100" ;

    cout << "String: " << str << endl;

    int start = isConsecutive(str);

    if (start != -1)

    cout << "Yes \n" << start << endl;


    cout << "No" << endl;

    string str1 = "121315" ;

    cout << "\nString: " << str1 << endl;

    start = isConsecutive(str1);

    if (start != -1)

    cout << "Yes \n" << start << endl;


    cout << "No" << endl;

    return 0;



    class GFG


    static int isConsecutive(String str)


    int start;

    int length = str.length();

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < length / 2 ; i++)


    String new_str = str.substring( 0 , i + 1 );

    int num = Integer.parseInt(new_str);

    start = num;

    while (new_str.length() < length)



    new_str = new_str + String.valueOf(num);


    if (new_str.equals(str))

    return start;


    return - 1 ;


    public static void main(String[] args)


    String str = "99100" ;

    System.out.println( "String: " + str);

    int start = isConsecutive(str);

    if (start != - 1 )

    System.out.println( "Yes \n" + start);


    System.out.println( "No" );

    String str1 = "121315" ;

    System.out.println( "\nString: " + str1);

    start = isConsecutive(str1);

    if (start != - 1 )

    System.out.println( "Yes \n" + start);


    System.out.println( "No" );




    def isConsecutive(strs):

    start = 0 ;

    length = len (strs);

    for i in range (length / / 2 ):

    new_str = strs[ 0 : i + 1 ];

    num = int (new_str);

    start = num;

    while ( len (new_str) < length):

    num + = 1 ;

    new_str = new_str + str (num);

    if (new_str = = (strs)):

    return start;

    return - 1 ;

    if __name__ = = '__main__' :

    str0 = "99100" ;

    print ( "String: " + str0);

    start = isConsecutive(str0);

    if (start ! = - 1 ):

    print ( "Yes \n" , start);

    else :

    print ( "No" );

    str1 = "121315" ;

    print ( "\nString: " , str1);

    start = isConsecutive(str1);

    if (start ! = - 1 ):

    print ( "Yes \n" , start);

    else :

    print ( "No" );


    using System;

    class GFG


    static int isConsecutive(String str)


    int start;

    int length = str.Length;

    for ( int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++)


    String new_str = str.Substring(0, i + 1);

    int num = int .Parse(new_str);

    start = num;

    while (new_str.Length < length)



    new_str = new_str + String.Join( "" ,num);


    if (new_str.Equals(str))

    return start;


    return -1;


    public static void Main(String[] args)


    String str = "99100" ;

    Console.WriteLine( "String: " + str);

    int start = isConsecutive(str);

    if (start != -1)

    Console.WriteLine( "Yes \n" + start);


    Console.WriteLine( "No" );

    String str1 = "121315" ;

    Console.WriteLine( "\nString: " + str1);

    start = isConsecutive(str1);

    if (start != -1)

    Console.WriteLine( "Yes \n" + start);


    Console.WriteLine( "No" );





    function isConsecutive(str)


    let start;

    let length = str.length;

    for (let i = 0; i < length / 2; i++)


    let new_str = str.substring(0, i + 1);

    let num = parseInt(new_str);

    start = num;

    while (new_str.length < length)



    new_str = new_str + (num).toString();


    if (new_str == (str))

    return start;


    return -1;


    let str = "99100" ;

    document.write( "String: " + str+ "<br>" );

    let start = isConsecutive(str);

    if (start != -1)

    document.write( "Yes <br>" + start+ "<br>" );


    document.write( "No<br>" );

    let str1 = "121315" ;

    document.write( "<br>String: " + str1+ "<br>" );

    start = isConsecutive(str1);

    if (start != -1)

    document.write( "Yes <br>" + start+ "<br>" );


    document.write( "No<br>" );



    String: 99100 Yes  99  String: 121315 No


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